Do not use titr on multiple devices at the same time.
- Create any number of timers with custom names, categories and colors.
- Create collections called "days" with custom names to keep track of your timers. Feel free to use days as weeks or anything else.
- Data summarized by category for each day.
- Change the order of days and timers by clicking/tapping and holding for at least 0.3 seconds - then drag and drop.
- Since this app is still in development, save your data by unsing the import/export functions.
- More features coming soon.
For feedback please send an email to
All rights reserved.
To the extent possible, in no event will the kprojects be liable to You on any legal theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of use of this app, even if kprojects has been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. Where a limitation of liability is not allowed in full or in part, this limitation may not apply to You.
News / Changelog
Read about changes and maybe get some tips.
v0.8 31.8.2022
- Evaluate your data: You now can filter timers by criteria, set options and get a list.
- Data gets synced to the server so each user needs to be registered.
- Overview for time per category per day.
v0.7 13.4.2022
- Fixed bug in relation with missing first day.
- Timer update interval can be changed to save some resources when using many timers.
v0.6 6.2.2022
- The position of "reset" was confusing. Now its place is in the settings.
v0.5 3.2.2022
- Days are sortable and they now should remain in correct order after reload.
- Click/tap and hold for at least 0.3 seconds to drag and drop elements for changing order.
- Some visual changes
- Sum in day overview
v0.4 1.2.2022
- Added light mode
- Added a fifth preset category.
- Changed presets of category colors to rgba values [ example: rgba(226, 100, 54, 0.10) ] to support dark and light mode. If you are using own or previous preset colors, you may want to convert them to rgba too or stick to dark mode (or click ... -> reset).
- Color value recommendations for categories:
- rgba(0, 0, 37, 0.03)
- rgba(226, 100, 54, 0.10)
- rgba(210, 155, 62, 0.10)
- rgba(4,144,199,0.10)
- rgba(104, 64, 211, 0.10)
- rgba(108, 228, 131, 0.10)
- rgba(58, 144, 255, 0.1)